How to Add Your Calendar Scheduling Link to Quote & Apply

Reid Tattersall

9/17/2021 · 1 min read

Allow your customers to conveniently schedule a meeting with you from within Quote & Apply.

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After the user clicks “Schedule a Meeting”, they’ll be taken to your calendar scheduling link. Here’s an example: Personal Calendly

To add this option, add your calendar scheduling link within your BOSS settings: BOSS settings

If you want to use custom calendar scheduling links per Quote & Apply website, enter the custom calendar scheduling link on the desired Quote & Apply website: Custom scheduling link

We pass the following parameters into your calendar scheduling link:

  • name
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • email
  • location (interpreted as phone number for some Calendly events)
  • a1 (we pass the insured’s phone number as the value for a1. You’ll need to make Phone the first additional question within your scheduling service for this to be pre-filled as shown on
  • a2 (we pass the link to the application as the value for a2. You’ll need to have a single or multiple line question as the second question within your scheduling service for this to be pre-filled as shown on

The purpose of passing these parameters is to pre-fill your scheduling service’s questions as shown below: Pre populated Calendly

Please email [email protected] if you need additional parameters sent.

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