Universal Life Quoting Enhancements

Reid Tattersall

4/19/2023 · 1 min read

  • Illustrations are available if the product supports illustrations. Previously, setting the Product Type to Guaranteed UL resulted in a list of products without illustrations.
  • Added “All Universal Life” as a category so you can find the best product across Universal Life, Protection Indexed Universal Life, Accumulation Indexed Universal Life, and Protection VUL.
  • If more than one product appears from the same company, you’ll see the name of the product to make it easier to see the difference.
  • GUL previously could be quoted two ways: 1. via setting the Product to Guaranteed UL and 2. via setting the solve to “Lapse Protection Premium”. There is now only one way of quoting GUL which is by setting the solve to “Lapse Protection Premium”. Universal Life quoting enhancements
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