Quote & Apply Adds a Traditional, Linked Benefit, and LTC Rider Comparison Tool

Reid Tattersall

1/6/2023 · 1 min read

Comparing Traditional LTC, Linked Benefits, and LTC Riders has never been easier with the refreshed Long Term Care step within Quote & Apply.

Click “Long Term Care” within Quote & Apply to access the comparison. LTC Assist Page

You can then easily compare the premiums and benefits for Universal Life with a Long Term Care rider (from John Hancock and Nationwide), Linked Benefits (from Nationwide’s Care Matters I & II), and Traditional Long Term Care (from Mutual of Omaha and National Guardian Life). LTC Step

You can change the client’s partner discount, payment duration, monthly benefit, inflation percentage, and benefit period by clicking the respective hyperlink. Quoting Params

Click your desired product type and then you’ll be taken to the Quote Step which has refreshed inflation reports. Printable Page

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