Screen Pop for Incoming Phone Calls

Reid Tattersall

9/12/2023 · 1 min read

Screen pop is a feature that displays caller information within BOSS, such as eApps, cases, and agents that match the incoming phone number. When an BOSS user receives an inbound call, a BOSS webpage appears with search results.

Any phone system capable of launching a webpage with the caller’s phone number can use this feature. Set your phone systems screen pop URL to{phone}

If you use Microsoft Teams, you need to log into your Teams Admin Center > Voice > Calling Policies > Select a Policy (e.g. global to allow all users to access the feature) > and enter “{phone}” into the field “URL to open apps in browser for incoming PSTN calls”

Each Teams client then has the ability to enable the setting “Open apps in browser” > “Allow third party apps to automatically open in a new browser window for incoming PSTN calls” as shown below.

Open apps in browser

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