Submitting Your First Case with Quote & Apply
Daniel Gates
4/28/2021 · 2 min read
QUESTION: Why haven’t you written life business with BackNine yet? - ANSWER: I don’t know where to start.
First things first, let’s make sure you have completed the necessary steps to start writing business.
- Create your account at and login
- Complete the Welcome Tour
- Update your personal information information
- Complete non-captive contracting online for carrier appointments
- Customize Quote & Apply for your clients (if applicable)
- Add Quote & Apply to your existing website (if applicable)
- Decide on first client or marketing effort:
a. Many agents write their first policy on themselves or family members to see the case all the way through.
b. Once you complete your first one, you will have a higher confidence in the system and a better understanding of the process.
c. Cross-selling for new mortgages or business protection policies can also be a good place to find early traction. - Sending marketing template or verbiage via our “Marketing” tab can provide a specific call to action for an existing client base.
- Once you and your client are ready to begin their quote, you can either “Quote Request” for help from our internals, or “Launch Quote & Apply” from the left menu to complete the entire process online.
- After the contact information (email/phone) is entered, a link to review and complete the application will be automatically provided to your client. At this time, you can either complete the application for them, or allow the client to review and complete the application on their own time. There is always one version of the application and both the agent and client can be in the application simultaneously.
- After the policy is submitted, both you and your client will receive confirmation. Using BOSS, you can stay up-to-date with any and all policy requirements from the carriers as we go. You will also be able to chat directly with your designated case manager, concierge and case support staff.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to getting started! Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
Email: Phone: (515) 460-4669