When do payments appear in BOSS?

Reid Tattersall

7/26/2022 · 1 min read

BackNine logs commissions on all policies within BOSS. Our accounting team receives commission statements from carriers and imports each transaction on the statement to create the payments you see in BOSS. If the payment does not come from BackNine to you (e.g. the payment comes from the carrier to you), the payment amount you see is estimated. Generally, the estimated amount is accurate to the penny, but BackNine does not guarantee the accurateness of payments from carriers to you.

Based on the carrier, the amount of time between the carrier paying you and the payment appearing within BOSS varies. BackNine classifies carriers into two types to set expectations on how long the commission accounting will take to appear in BOSS.

Express Carriers:

  • 1st-7th are viewable by the 13th
  • 8th-15th are viewable by the 21st
  • 16th-21st are viewable by the 28th
  • 22nd - end of month are viewable by the 6th of the following month.

Standard Carriers:

  • 1st-15th are viewable by the 6th of the following month
  • 16th - end of month are viewable by the 21st of the following month
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